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Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances (the hall had doublebooked us) we have needed to move our Little Cooks Easter Classes and Workshops to Monday April 6th. The location (St James the Great Church, Plomer Hill, Downley, HP13 5YP) stays the same but we have also needed to adjust the times slightly.

The Class (for pre-schoolers and reception) will now be from 2.30pm to 3.15pm and the Workshop (School Year 1 to Year 6) will now be at 3.30pm to 5pm.

If you have already booked, I hope you can still come and I will be in touch with you to check. If you haven't yet booked there are still some spaces available at both the class and the workshop.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

One of the great things about cooking is the sheer variety of foods to discover and enjoy.

When we put together our plans for each new Little Cooks after-school course, one of the most enjoyable tasks is coming up with a mixed set of recipes that are enjoyable and interesting to make, and of course tasty to eat!

It's unfortunate that for many of the schools we run classes in we are not able to offer all the recipes we would really like to, mostly as a result of a lack access to ovens and hobs. However, the other night I saw an advert by Flora who are running a campaign to collect tokens from special packs which can be exchanged for equipment, including hobs and ovens.

I'd love to see our children have as much opportunity to experience the full enjoyment of cooking using a wide range of equipment so please do collect the tokens for you school or, if your school is already well-equipped, please feel free to pass the tokens on to me and I'll make sure they are used where they are needed.

More details about the scheme can be found at www.cookingwithschools.co.uk